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Romeo and Juliet at the time of the COVID 19

Immagine del redattore: La RedazioneLa Redazione

Story by Nicole Girola

Design by Mariaxiara

Written by Giovanni Bruno

Inspired by the Novel of William Shakespeare




This is the story of two lovers that lived in the 2020, their young love promises to be a very lasting love, but their life will change drastically due to an invisible enemy that it’s destroying the life of millions of people in the world. it is a Virus and its name is COVID19.

Chapter one

1st scene: The meeting

Romeo is a teenager of a normal family of Verona in Italy and he goes to an high school of his town. He’s a fascinating guy, but despite this he was never interested to find the true love.

Juliet is a pretty young girl of a sweet Italian family; she’s just entered adolescence and it’s all new for her. She goes to the same school of Romeo, but they’ve never met before.

Their love story begins with their first encounter at the school’s disco costume party:

Romeo and his friends entered at the party and saw the beautiful girl:

Romeo’s friends said: “who is her?”

Romeo thought: “who is this cute girl?” and decided to approach the young lady.

In the meantime, Juliet noticed Romeo and said: “who is him?”; she wondered that why he was really cute. She couldn’t see very well his face because he is wearing a mask.

A fixed thought oppressing her: “who is this cute boy?”; when she thought this, she looked at him another time and she, immediately felt in love with the mysterious guy.

2nd scene: the dance

When he reached her, he asked her: “who are you?”

She replied: “I’m Juliet, and who are you?”

Romeo: “I’m Romeo, it’s a pleasure to meet you”

Juliet: “nice to meet you too”

Then Romeo invited the lady to dance with him…:

“would you like to dance with me?”

“yes I would” she answered him.

And so, they spent all night dancing together.



Chapter two

3rd scene: The kiss

When the party ended the two guys exchanged cell phone numbers and kept talking…:

Romeo said her: “I gave you my number, if you would type me you will make me the happiest boy in this world”

She smiled and nodded to him, he gave his number to her and she did the same.

The two teens discover to have a lot of things in common, including the passion for literature.

Then they started talking metaphorically:

Romeo: “Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?”

Juliet: “Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer”

Romeo: “O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair”

Juliet: “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake”

Romeo: “Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged”

She stopped him while he was still talking: “shhh…”, she silenced him and then they kissed.



Chapter three

4th scene: The balcony

In the next days the two teenagers started to date until, a day in a middle of the night, Romeo texted to Juliet to wait him at the balcony of her house because he had something to tell her:

Romeo: “I love you Juliet and I swear by the moon that we will meet again”

Juliet: “oh don’t swear by the changing moon, you might prove just as variable”

Romeo: “what should I swear by?”

Juliet: “don’t swear at all or if you want to swear, swear by yourself, and I will trust you. I love you too but you might go away, a thousand times goodnight”

And then Romeo went home happy because he discovered that Juliet loved him too.

5th scene: The TG

Their young love was just born but after, they suffered a lot because their destiny prepared something different for them, something tragic…:

In fact, meantime a dangerous virus, that come from China (Asia), was sweeping in Italy, but the guys kept thinking about their loved ones… both careless of what happening in their country.

That day indeed, the TG said that the virus named COVID19 has arrived in Italy with the first case that was verified.

The two teens were very afraid about this news, because they knew that they will never meet anymore, until the quarantine was over.

They consoled themselves with their love, that breaks down every barrier; they knew that they were separated, they were distant but laced by their love.



Final Chapter

6th scene: The final

The virus started to sweeping in all of the country and the infection began to spread between the people.

The two teens continued to love each other but from afar, and then they made a decision to save their life and their love…:

So the guys decided not meet together to save their loved one from the COVID19.

They renounced their love for love…



The end

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